Arkansas' Premier Commercial Facility
Dedicated to Small Business Opportunity
Premier Kitchen Incubator
Little Rock’s premier commercial facility dedicated to Small Business Opportunity.We have 5000 square feet of glorious multi-functional kitchen to help your business flourish.Operational 24/7/365 to fit every schedule, Arkitchen’s rentable kitchen model will allow Food Entrepreneurs to focus on growth and development, rather than large scale fund raising for real estate and equipment
Frequently Asked Questions
We’re here to answer any questions you may have. Here are some of our common questions. View all questions and answers on our FAQ page.
- Who needs a permit to sell food?
- How do I get a food service permit?
- I’m adding menu items to my store. Do I need to apply for a new permit before making those additions
- What is the definition of a push cart?
- Are food permits transferable?
- Is a food manager certification required for me to manage or operate in ArKitchen?
Bronze Membership
This entry-level membership is good for an entrepreneur just getting started. Small clientele list, but an active growth plan.
Membership is upgradable.
6-month lease.
15 prepaid hours
$300/mo. Additional hours are $20.00/hr
Silver Membership
This second tier is for businesses ready to hit the ground running, and/or have existing contracts.
Membership is upgradable.
6 month lease.
40 prepaid hours
$575/mo. Additional hours are $14.38/hr.
Gold Membership
These level members have an extensive clientele list and high sales goals.
Membership is upgradable.
6 month lease.
80 prepaid hours
$1,050/mo. Additional hours are $13.13/hr.
Already a member? Sign in
Have A Question?
Send us a message!
Visit Us
9813 W. Markham
Little Rock, AR 72205

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